Mar 19 2024

The Best Financial Advisor for You Might Not Be Local

A lot of our clients who are looking for the right advisor that aligns with their priorities and preferences, assume that the best-fit advisor will be somewhere in their area. The reality is that’s not always the case. The most important considerations are to be able to pinpoint the advisor who is the most qualified, experienced and responsive.

You may ask, “How can an advisor be responsive to me if they live 500 miles away?” Before Covid, many people may have never considered working virtually with an advisor. Things are different now because so many people work from home, go to school, and do much more with the assistance of video conferencing technology. As a result, many people now recognize, they’re not losing anything by working virtually with their advisor, but in fact benefiting from the remote setting because 100% of the focus is on the right expertise. There’s no denying it, meeting someone, especially an advisor, gives you the ability to get a good sense of who they are and whether you can trust them. This is why many have found the right advisor is someone in their region, but maybe not necessarily down the street. Advisors are becoming more flexible and may also have other clients close to where you live, and would be happy to travel to meet with you face to face, once or twice a year.

Nowadays you can have the best of both worlds, and choose whether you prefer to meet with someone virtually or in-person. Whenever you have questions about what you might be giving up or gaining by working virtually with a financial advisor, please reach out to me and we can discuss your situation personally.

Here’s an article from Barron’s on the topic, where you will see me quoted.

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