Wealthramp has a curated network of 200+ rigorously vetted, experienced financial advisors who are independent and unbiased. Every advisor is fee-only and 100% fiduciary. These advisors don’t sell investments or earn commissions. They are held to the Fiduciary Standard which means they are legally bound to work in your best financial interest – so you can be confident that they’ll work objectively with you to create a personalized, holistic financial plan and tax and investing strategy.
Wealthramp will match you with up to three rigorously vetted fiduciary advisors who truly fit your unique situation and work only and directly for you. Wealthramp’s network of experienced, highly qualified advisors is available to collaborate with you outside the workplace whenever you’re ready. Wealthramp delivers a range of diverse expertise, specializations, and fee models to fit your preferences and budget.