Working with a fiduciary, fee-only financial advisor can help you build financial confidence. Whether you’re planning, going through, or coming out of a divorce, we now have the specialists who will help you every step of the way.

We’re thrilled to have partnered with Wealthramp to help streamline the sometimes stressful process of finding an advisor who has the right expertise, fee arrangement, and personalized approach to truly understand your unique financial circumstances. All Wealthramp-recommended financial advisors are fee-only, and legally bound to act in your best interest. Every fiduciary advisor in the Wealthramp network has been rigorously vetted by investor advocate and founder Pam Krueger.

Beyond the deep expertise and experience, what stands out is how Wealthramp truly cares about protecting your privacy. That’s why we encourage you to stay in control and move through the screening process at your own pace.

Here’s how it works: You’ll answer Pam’s short survey questions. Then after you hit submit, Wealthramp will instantly recommend up to three advisors who specialize in divorce financial planning. You can learn a lot about each advisor, and then whenever you’re ready, you can use Wealthramp’s digital scheduling tool to set up an initial, free consultation. Before your meeting, take a look at the resources available on Wealthramp’s website – it will help you learn more about how fee-only advisors operate, such as what they offer and typical fees. This first meeting is all about you. Wealthramp can help you so that you’re well positioned to confidently plan for your personal vision for the future.

Watch: Pam and Courtney Discuss New Partnership
Watch Now: Pam and Courtney Discuss New Partnership
You are being referred to Wealthramp by Phoenix Financial Advocates. Phoenix Financial Advocates may receive compensation from Wealthramp if you enter into an advisory relationship. You will never be charged any referral fee by Wealthramp, or incur any additional costs from advisors we recommend, due to these referral relationships.